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Trigger Talk

This isn't an overnight strategy, it is applicable tools you can apply in your daily life to master your triggers. Let's have some trigger talk sis.

A trigger is anything -including memories, experiences, or events- that sparks an intense emotional reaction, regardless of your current mood.

The key to mastering your triggers is self-awareness...

How can you grow if you do not know what's stopping you?

4 Things you should know:

  1. You gotta know what your triggers are.

  2. You must address the ones you can control.

  3. You must avoid the ones you can't control.

  4. To stay consistent and focused, you should find someone to hold you accountable.


Next, let's get into some daily action.

Make these things a part of your daily life:

Turn From It (Be Proactive)

By staying ahead of them, for example, if spicy food tears your stomach up 💩, then you will likely make a choice to not order spicy food.

OR if watching romantic movies causes you to get in your feelings, be lustful, or bitter about being single then to avoid that trigger you should probably stop watching romantic movies.

Be slow to React

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” James 1:19 NLT

In the moment of a trigger, your natural instinct will be to do whatever will soothe the issue (this is a reaction). 9 times out of 10 the thing you want to do at the moment is not a good choice.

Scripture Memory

In Hebrews when they said the word of God is sharper than a 2-edged sword, THEY MEANT THAT! God’s word has helped soothe me over and over and over. I wouldn’t be telling you this if it wasn’t true.

Action: Find a scripture that speaks to your current situation and memorize it.

The best way to memorize scripture is to read it daily, write it down and post it in the places you visit most (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, car, desk, screensaver).


Remember 🧠

The enemy lovesss when we get down hicked up on emotions because it distracts us and tempts us to cuss, drink, smoke, have sex, spend money, overindulge... anything that will make us feel better, right?

Now, you have the tools to make him mad!! Keep resisting the enemy and he will flee from you.

I Love you, Talk Soon!

Coach NaQuandra

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